Organization: Risalat Consultants International
Registration deadline: 20 Mar 2018
Starting date: 22 May 2018
Ending date: 26 May 2018
Course Outline
1. Research Problems and Questions and How They Relate to Debates in Research Methods
- Introduction
- The nature of research
- What kind of problems might need a research study?
What are the key issues in research methods we need to understand?
Putting the Problem into Context: Identifying and Critically Reviewing Relevant Literature
How does literature relate to research?
What kinds of literature should we search for?
Effective literature searching
Critical analysis of literature
Using Harvard referencing style
3. Choosing Research Approaches and Strategies
- Identify differing research paradigms
- Key differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods and how and why they may be mixed
- Criteria of validity and reliability in the context of research
- Your choice of research strategy or design
4. Ethics in Research
- How ethical issues arise in research at every stage
- Strategies to ensure ethical issues in research are addressed appropriately
5. Choosing Samples from Populations
- How and why sampling relates to research
- A range of probability and non-probability sampling techniques
- Selecting appropriate techniques for different research studies
- Assessing representativeness of samples and generalizability from samples
6. Quantitative Research Methods: Collecting and Analyzing Quantitative Data
- Anticipating how the research design is affected by data collection and analysis tools
- Recognizing different types of data for analysis
- Coding and entering data for computer analysis
- Choosing appropriate ways to present data through charts, tables and descriptive statistics
- Selecting appropriate statistical tools for the research variables
7. Questionnaire Design and Testing
- Difficulties associated with questionnaire design
- Choosing from a range of question formats
- How to design, pilot and administer questionnaires
8. Using Secondary Data
- What to look for as secondary data and where to find it
- The contribution of secondary data to research
- The disadvantages of using secondary data in research and how to overcome them
9. Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting and Analyzing Qualitative Data
- Key issues in qualitative data analysis
- How qualitative data can be prepared for analysis
- Computer based methods for qualitative data analysis
10. Using MS Excel for Data Analysis
- Introduction
- General Issues with the MS Excel Analysis ToolPak
- Results of Analyses
- Requesting Many Analyses
- Working with Many Columns
11.Practical Issues in Conducting Interviews, Focus Groups, Participant Observation
- Practical considerations relating to participant observation
- Practical issues relating to interviews
- Practical issues relating to focus groups
12. Forecasting Trends
- Why forecasting is not widely covered in the research methods literature
- Existing methodologies for forecasting
- Basic forecasting tools
- Measures commonly used to evaluate forecasts
- Exploring the value of forecasting methods in business practice
13. Presenting Research Reports
- Your personal approach to writing a report
- Producing an oral presentation of key findings
How to register:
Program Dates: 22-26 May, 2018
Registration Closes on: 20 March, 2018
For Registration Assistance Please Copy Both of the Emails:
Skype: risalatconsultantsint ; CallViber/WhatsApp: +995 555 11 66 22 or +971 54 70 700 15