Organization: Risalat Consultants International
Registration deadline: 29 May 2018
Starting date: 18 Jul 2018
Ending date: 20 Jul 2018
Program Introduction
Food security is a condition related to the supply of food, and individuals’ access to it. World Food Summit states that food security “exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”
The Global Food Security Strategy (GFSS) calls for expanding work in improving nutrition and resilience. This course underscores the focus on food security development and incorporates the vision for food security and agriculture development under the GFSS. Participants will address challenges through building a common understanding of the priorities, challenges and key issues in agriculture and food security. Participants will explore state-of-the-art thinking that can be applied to new and existing strategies which will assist learners in designing interventions that achieve greater and more targeted results.
Program Attendees
This course is an ideal introduction to food security and nutrition for relief workers of all disciplines intending to work in emergencies. It is also highly recommended for nutritionists, doctors, health professionals, and development workers in their home countries who want to adapt their skills to relief work.
Program Contents
This training module prepares humanitarian personnel to address the demands of addressing food and nutrition issues in emergencies. It covers a wide spectrum of issues relating to food security. It looks at causes of food insecurity, malnutrition, assessments, planning and response. It will provide participants with technical knowledge and information regarding delivering nutritional support services to those affected by humanitarian emergencies in the context of current food security debates and the relation between food security issues, development and poverty. This training will also address Sphere Standards for food aid.
Program Outcome
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
– Carry out a comprehensive food security, nutrition and food aid needs assessment and analysis
– Identify appropriate interventions for food insecurity and nutrition in emergency and post emergency situations, and contribute to designing, planning, implementation and monitoring of these interventions
– Understand the essential linkages between food security and other sectoral interventions during an emergency response
– Understand the humanitarian standards of food security, nutrition and food aid, as a universal benchmark that is used to plan programs
– Understand the issues and challenges in food security programming during crisis management
How to register:
Program Dates: 18-20 July. 2018
Registration Closes on: 29 May, 2018
For Registration Assistance Please Send an inquiry to both of the Emails:
Skype: risalatconsultantsint ; CallViber/WhatsApp: +995 555 11 66 22